Helpline No.

Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Government College, Himachal Bihar, Matigara, Siliguri-734010, West Bengal, India

Vision & Mission



Vission of the Institute:

Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Government College is aimed at imparting a holistic higher education to students coming from varied socio-economic and cultural background. We aim to provide them with ample learning experiences and opportunities, to guide them towards the optimum use of knowledge and skill, and to empower them to become enlightened, emphatic and socially responsible citizens for the nation. We strive to inculcate in our students values of integrity, inclusivity, dedication, freedom, love and confidence, thereby shaping them to be brave and competent agents of positive social transformation.


Mission of the Institute:

  1. To promote a multilingual, multicultural co-educational learning environment that is conducive to the teaching-learning environment.
  2. To foster academic and career success by nurturing critical thinking coupled with values-based principles. Through effective communication, creativity, and cultural awareness, we aim to create a learning environment that is safe, accessible, and affordable for all.
  3. To recognize the diversity among our student population and strive to meet their needs by promoting equity and accountability. This entails establishing measurable learning outcomes, employing ethical data-driven decision-making processes, and ensuring students' achievement is at the forefront of our efforts.
  4. Our institution is committed to the holistic development of our students, instilling in them habits, attitudes, and qualities essential for character building. We aim to empower students to embrace the responsibilities of dignified citizenship, equipping them with the strength to confront divisive tendencies that hinder the development of a unified, national, and secular perspective.
  5. Central to our mission is the cultivation of various skills in personality development. By emphasizing interpersonal communication and fostering self-confidence, we facilitate the all-round development of enduring personalities among our students. This practice is integral to shaping individuals capable of thriving in diverse personal and professional settings.